Advise on Sash Windows

Wood Windows London Ltd
StartFragmentWood sash windows are more expensive than UPVC windows as the manufacturing process is much more labour intensive. Good quality timber needs to be chosen and cut before it is planned to size. This is followed by cutting mortise and tennons in the timber enabling them to be joined. The timber then needs to have traditional mouldings and a rebate cu...t before they are assembled to make a sash. Once assembled the sash will need to be sanded to a very smooth finish before any painting or staining. UPVC windows are made by cutting a plastic section and welding the corners to make the frame which can be done in a matter of minutes. The average cost of a wood sash window is approximately £ 900 each including painting with the on-site fitting costing approximately £ 300. So budgeting around £ 1200 - £ 1300 per window is good value for money. But be aware many wood window companies have commission driven salesmen who over inflate prices to increase their own commission. When choosing wood sash windows there are a couple of important things to remember. Using weights to counterbalance wood sash windows is the best option. The other option is to have spiral balancers (springs), these are not a good option as these springs tend to break after maybe 5-10 years of wear and tear, whereas using weights with a good pre – stretched sash cord will in many cases last a lifetime. Wood windows London produce high quality sash windows at a very affordable price compared with many other wood window manufacturers.EndFragment